Yma Wyf Inna i Fod

Edited by: Angie Roberts.

Lleisiau Caernarfon

A very entertaining volume of reminiscences, stories and a few tasty recipes by the people of Caernarfon, in their own words. Angie Roberts interviewed residents, old and young, and we can read stories about town characters, the war period, childhood, the sea, fishing and much more. Photographs by Iolo Penri are a special addition to the volume.


Golygwyd gan: Angie Roberts.

Lleisiau Caernarfon

Cyfrol ddifyr ryfeddol o atgofion, storïau ac ambell rysait blasus gan bobol tre Caernarfon, yn eu geiriau nhw eu hunain. Bu Angie Roberts wrthi'n cyfweld trigolion y dre, yn hen ac ieuanc, a chawn hanes cymeriadau o blith y Cofis, cyfnod y rhyfel, plentyndod, y môr a physgota a llawer mwy. Mae ffotograffau Iolo Penri yn ychwanegiad arbennig i'r gyfrol.

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