Adolygiad Cwsmeriaid / Customer Reviews

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Y Milwr Coll

Author: Sion Hughes.

When his younger brother enlists in the Great War, Owen Humphreys feels duty-bound to enlist as well, leaving his family and his pregnant fiance behind. Months later, news arrives that both Owen and his brother have been killed. But what happens when Owen returns to his family home after being released from hospital, and what secrets will be revealed...



Awdur: Sion Hughes.

Pan mae ei frawd ieuengaf yn listio yn y Rhyfel Mawr, mae Owen Humphreys yn teimlo bod rhaid iddo yntau listio hefyd, gan adael ei deulu a'i gariad beichiog ar ôl. Rai misoedd wedyn daw'r newyddion bod Owen a'i frawd wedi'u lladd. Ond beth sy'n digwydd pan ddychwela Owen i'w gartref ar ôl iddo gael ei ryddhau o'r ysbyty, a pha gyfrinachau fydd yn cael eu datgelu...

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Code(s)Rhifnod: 9781785622854

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