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TotalCyfanswm: GBP
Author: Aled Jones Williams.
The first poetry collection by the crowned bard of the 2002 National Eisteddfod held at St David's. The poems discuss loss of faith, the poet's alcoholism and the failure and success of words to cope with these things. It is an honest and confessional work which includes his prize-winning work from 2002.
Awdur: Aled Jones Williams.
Casgliad cyntaf o farddoniaeth prifardd coronog Eisteddfod Tŷ Ddewi 2002. Mae'n ymwneud â cholli ffydd, alcoholiaeth y bardd a gallu ac anallu geiriau i ddygymod â hyn. Mae'n gyfrol onest a chyffesol sy'n cynnwys 'Awelon', pryddest fuddugol Tŷddewi.