Welsh Saints from Welsh Churches

Author: Martin Crampin.

A study of the imagery of Welsh saints in medieval and 19th/20th-century stained glass, sculpture and painting. Overview and analysis, followed by sections on about 40 individual saints. An authoritative introduction to the stories of the saints, highly illustrated and full-colour throughout, with about 500 photographs.


Awdur: Martin Crampin.

Astudiaeth o ddelweddaeth y seintiau Cymreig mewn ffenestri lliw, cerfluniau a phaentiadau o'r canol oesoedd ac o'r 19eg/20fed ganrif. Ceir trosolwg a dadansoddiad ynghyd â nodiadau am tua 40 o seintiau unigol. Dyma gyflwyniad awdurdodol i straeon y seintiau, wedi'i ddarlunio'n llawn mewn lliw, gyda thua 500 o ffotograffau.

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