Welsh Pub Names

Author: Myrddin ap Dafydd.

Series: Compact Wales.

More and more pubs in Wales are displaying the Welsh names on their signs and more are now named after events and heroes in the country's history. The inns, pubs and taverns are amongst the oldest and more traditional buildings in our towns and villages and they form an important part of our heritage. But what are the stories and explanations behind these names?


Author: Myrddin ap Dafydd.

Cyfres: Compact Wales.

Mae mwy a mwy o dafarndai Cymru yn arddangos enwau Cymraeg ar eu harwyddion bellach, ac mae nifer o'r enwau yn cofnodi digwyddiadau a chymeriadau o hanes Cymru. Tafarndai yw rhai o'r adeiladau hynaf mewn pentrefi a threfi, ac maent yn ffurfio rhan bwysig o etifeddiaeth y genedl. Mae'r gyfrol hon yn ceisio olrhain hanes y straeon tu ôl i'r enwau diddorol hyn?

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Code(s)Rhifnod: 9781845242428

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