Weithau Dwi'n Poeni

Welsh Adaptation: Elin Meek.

Series: Cyfres Teimladau Mawr Bach.

A Welsh adaptation by Elin Meek of Sometimes I am Worried to help children manage their emotions. They can lift the flaps, slide the tabs and turn the wheel to explore what a worry is, why they might worry and how they can stop their worries from becoming too large. This is the perfect book for parents/carers to share with young children who may be anxious.

Addasiad Cymraeg: Elin Meek.

Cyfres: Cyfres Teimladau Mawr Bach.

Rhannwch y llyfr rhyngweithiol hwn gyda’ch rhai bach i drafod unrhyw beth sy’n eu poeni. Mae ambell beth newydd, awgrymiadau ymarferol a gweithgareddau syml i’ch helpu hefyd. Addasiad Cymraeg gan Elin Meek o Sometimes I am Worried. Llyfr perffaith i rieni a gofalwyr ei ddarllen a'i rannu gyda phlant bach.


£5.99 -

Code(s)Rhifnod: 9781849674973

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