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TotalCyfanswm: GBP
Author: Ioan Kidd.
A novel that traces the journey of the main character, Dylan Rhys, who works in a centre for refugees, as he seeks to learn about his family's history and who his ancestors were. His past and the present stories of the men in his care in the refugee centre create a rich and powerful story. This is a story about men, their relationships with each other, their brothers and fathers.
Awdur: Ioan Kidd.
Mae'r nofel hon yn olrhain taith y prif gymeriad Dylan Rhys, sy'n gweithio mewn canolfan ffoaduriaid, i ddysgu am hanes ei deulu a phwy oedd ei gyndadau. Mae ei orffennol ef a phresennol rhai o'r dynion sydd dan ei ofal yn y ganolfan yn cyd-daro i greu stori bwerus a chyfoethog. Dyma nofel am ddynion, eu perthynas â'i gilydd, a'u brodyr a'u tadau.