Straeon Nadolig y Plant

Author: Various.

In 2014, Radio Cymru held a Short Christmas Story competition for primary school children. Over 250 stories were submitted, with 74 of the best stories sent to the adjudicators Bethan Gwanas, Anni Llŷn and Bedwyr Rees. This volume comprises the five stories which were chosen to be broadcast on Radio Cymru.


Awdur: Amrywiol.

Yn 2014, cynhaliodd Radio Cymru gystadleuaeth Stori Nadolig Fer i ysgolion cynradd a chael actorion i berfformio'r rhai buddugol ar raglen Siân Cothi, Bore Cothi. Daeth dros 250 o straeon i law! Detholwyd 74 o'r goreuon i'w hanfon at dri beirniad, Bethan Gwanas, Anni Llŷn a Bedwyr Rees, ac roedd pawb wedi gwirioni bod y safon mor uchel.

£5.99 -

Code(s)Rhifnod: 9781845275013

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