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Author: Lleucu Roberts.
Supporting her husband, Seimon Cesel Ucha, is the job of his wife from morning till night. Whenever a storm is brewing in his life, she must step to the front and run the farm until all has subsided. But one day, something comes to disrupt the lives of them both. Winner of the Literary Medal at the 2014 National Eisteddfod.
Awdur: Lleucu Roberts.
Enillydd y Fedal Ryddiaith 2014.
Cefnogi Seimon mae gwraig fferm Cesel Ucha yn ei wneud o fore gwyn tan nos. Pan ddaw'r tyrfe i aflonyddu arno, mae hi'n gorfod camu i'r blaen a rhedeg y lle nes bod y storm wedi cilio. Ond un diwrnod, daw rhywbeth i darfu ar fywydau'r ddau.