John Owen-Jones, Unmasked

John Owen-Jones' second album reveals why his devoted fanbase keep growing - his remarkable voice. A collection of popular tracks which include 'Music Of The Night' from The Phantom Of The Opera and a stunning version of the Bond classic 'Thunderball'.

Unmasked is a collection of tracks from musicals such as 'Somewhere' from West Side Story, well known classics like 'Nature Boy' to a surprising new interpretation of Queen's 'Love Of My Life' recorded with Brian May's blessing. John is joined by fellow Welshman Bryn Terfel for the lovely ' I Don't Remember You' and duets on the beautiful 'All I Ask Of You' with No. 1 Classical Chart artist Natasha Marsh.

John is no stranger to high profile TV and radio - performing on the Royal Variety Show with the 4 Phantoms and special guest Nicole Scherzinger, and regular performances’ on BBC Radio 2's Friday Night is Music Night. John has fans from Alex Jones (The One Show) '...he is out-standing' to legendary broadcaster Michael Parkinson - '...sounds terrific!'

Tracks -

1: Nature Boy

2: Thunderball

3: This Is The Moment

4: Music of the Night

5: Til I Hear You Sing

6: All I Ask Of You

7: Being Alive

8: I Don't Remember You, Sometimes A Day Goes By

9: Down To The Sea

10: Somewhere

11: Without You

12: Love Of My Life

13: Bring Him Home

14: Hallelujah.



Mae’r ail albwm hon gan John Owen-Jones yn dangos yn syml pam fod cymaint o bobl yn ffan ohono – ei lais nodedig.

Casgliad o draciau poblogaidd sydd yma sy’n cynnwys ‘Music of the Night’ allan o The Phantom of the Opera a fersiwn syfrdanol o’r clasur ‘Thunderball’ o’r ffilm James Bond. Ddaru John yn ail-fyw’r rhan Phantom yn nhaith dathlu 25 mlynedd o’r sioe The Phantom of the Opera mewn cynhyrchiad newydd sbon. Cyn hyn, cafodd John lwyddiant enfawr yn y West End ac ar Broadway fel Jean Valjean yn Les Miserables a cafodd ei bledleisio fel y ‘Jean Valjean’ gorau erioed mewn pôl ar draws y byd gan ffans y sioe.

Casgliad yw Unmasked o glasuron fel ‘Nature Boy’ yn ogystal â dehongliad annisgwyl o ‘Love of my Life’ gan Queen a gafodd ei recordio gyda bendith Brian May. Gyda John, ymuna’r cyd-Gymro Bryn Terfel ar gyfer ‘I Don’t Remember You’, ac hefyd ymuna gyda Natasha Marsh (sydd wedi cyrraedd rhif 1 yn y siartiau clasurol) ar gyfer ‘All I Ask of You’.

Mae ganddo groesdoriad o ffans, o Alex Jones (The One Show) ‘...he is out-standing’ i’r enwog Michael Parkinson – ‘...sounds terrific!’. 

    £12.98 -

    Code(s)Rhifnod: 5016886265827
    SAIN SCD2658

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