
Author: Luned Aaron.

A modern collection of short stories with a city feel which was highly praised in the Literary Medal competition at the 2023 National Eisteddfod. Among the experiences portrayed are an asylum seeker, a young, pregnant girl as she arrives in Cardiff. Other themes featured are materialism, pressure on females, care of the aged, loneliness and social media.



Awdur: Luned Aaron.

Dyma gyfrol ddinesig a chyfoes ar gyfer oedolion a ddaeth yn agos i frig yng nghystadleuaeth y Fedal Ryddiaith yn 2023. Ymhlith y straeon, ceir profiadau ceisiwr lloches, merch ifanc feichiog, wrth iddi gyrraedd y 'Tir Diarth', sef Caerdydd. Rhai o’r themâu a drafodir yw materoldeb, pwysau ar ferched, gofal henoed, unigrwydd, a'r cyfryngau cymdeithasol.

£8.99 -

Code(s)Rhifnod: 9781800995147

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