Pob Lwc Gyda'r Llawdriniaeth

Send your best wishes in this delightful Welsh card - charming blush pink card adorned with whimsical white hearts, with a central message that reads "Pob Lwc Gyda'r Llawdriniaeth," which translates to "Good Luck With the Operation" in Welsh.

The soft and inviting design, featuring delicate white hearts against the blush pink background, creates a warm and comforting atmosphere. The central message serves as a sincere expression of support and encouragement for someone who's about to have surgery, conveying your heartfelt wishes for a successful procedure and a speedy recovery.

No message inside card. 

Measures: approx. 88x118mm.  

Cerdyn pinc deiniadol wedi'i addurno â chalonnau gwyn sydd yn creu awyrgylch gynnes a chyfforddus ar gyfer anfon eich neges o gefnogaeth ac anogaeth ar gyfer rhywun sydd ar fin cael llawdriniaeth, gan gyfleu eich dymuniadau gorau am driniaeth llwyddiannus ac adferiad cyflym.

Dim neges tu mewn i'r cerdyn.

Mesuriadau: oddeutu 88x118mm.  

£1.75 -

Code(s)Rhifnod: 5022054617398

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