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Items in your cartNwyddau yn eich basged
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Author: J. Geraint Jenkins.
Series: Compact Wales.
From the dawn of civilisation, this south-western peninsula of Wales has provided a landing stage for migrating people sailing up the western shores of Europe. Through the Neolithic, Bronze and Celtic ages, they brought with them new materials, new crafts, new ideas and a desire to market and exchange.
The author (1929-2009) was a rural life and maritime academic who spent his career promoting this Welsh heritage in a lively and careful way at the National Folk Museum St Fagan's and the Welsh Industrial and Maritime Museum in Cardiff's docklands. A prolific author who researched his fields of interest with meticulous care, he was also a popular lecturer and very good company.
Cyfres: Compact Wales.
Ers gwawr gwareiddiad, mae penrhyn de-orllewin Cymru wedi darparu glanfa ar gyfer pobl symudol yn hwylio ar hyd arfordiroedd gorllewinol Ewrop. Drwy'r oesau Neolithig, Efydd a Cheltaidd, dygasant gyda hwy ddeunyddiau, crefftau a syniadau newydd, ynghyd ag awydd i fasnachu a chyfnewid nwyddau.