Operation Julie

Author: Lyn Ebenezer.

The World's Greatest LSD Bust.

The history of one of the world's biggest drugs networks that was active in mid-Wales in the mid-1970s. In a rural laboratory near Tregaron pure LSD valued at millions of pounds was produced and seized; this lead to an interesting and notorious criminal case.


Awdur: Lyn Ebenezer.

The World's Greatest LSD Bust.

Cyfrol am un o rwydweithiau cyffuriau mwya'r byd a oedd ar waith yng nghanolbarth Cymru yng nghanol y 70au. Mewn labordy anial ar bwys Tregaron cynhyrchwyd gwerth miliynnau o bunnau o LSD pur - labordy a arweiniodd at un o'r achosion troseddol mwyaf diddorol a chwedlonol erioed.

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Code(s)Rhifnod: 9781847711465

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