Man, Myth and Museum

Author: Eurwyn Wiliam.

Iorwerth C. Peate and the Making of the Welsh Folk Museum

The first study of the pioneer of open-air museums in Britain, putting his work as scholar and curator into the international context of the twentieth century. Extensive synopsis and translations from Welsh makes Peate’s work accessible to an entirely new audience.


Awdur: Eurwyn Wiliam.

Iorwerth C. Peate and the Making of the Welsh Folk Museum

Dyma'r astudiaeth gyntaf o waith Iorwerth C. Peate, yr arloeswr ym maes amgueddfeydd awyr agored ym Mhrydain. Gosodir ei waith fel ysgolhaig a churadur yng nghyd-destun yr ugeinfed ganrif. Mae'r cyfieithiadau a'r crynodebau o destunau Cymraeg yn cynnig cyfle amheuthun i gynulleidfa gwbwl newydd ddysgu am waith Peate.

£25.00 -

Code(s)Rhifnod: 9781837720392

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