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Author: Lisa Wells, Michelle Robinson; Welsh Adaptation: Anwen Pierce.
This is a love letter to her daughters from Lisa in the form of a tender poem, illustrated by Catalina Echeverri. It is also a declaration of the strength of the steadfast love between a parent and child, and sums up an eternal message to all families facing the challenges of the loss of a loved one.
Awdur: Lisa Wells, Michelle Robinson; Addasiad Cymraeg: Anwen Pierce.
Llythyr caru i ferched Lisa ei hun yw'r gerdd dyner hon, wedi'i darlunio gan Catalina Echeverri, ond mae hefyd yn fynegiant o gryfder di-syfl cariad rhiant at blentyn, ac yn crynhoi neges oesol i bob teulu sy'n wynebu'r heriau o golli rhywun annwyl.