Llŷn, The Peninsula and Its past Explored

Editor: Ioan Roberts.

Series: Compact Wales.

Llŷn, the north-western peninsula of Wales, is strongly influenced by its coastal nature. Nowadays, its walking paths and beaches attract many to explore their heritage and natural beauty. These also open doors to the past and several layers of Welsh history.


Golygwyd gan: Ioan Roberts.

Cyfres: Compact Wales.

Cafodd ei natur arfordirol ddylanwad trwm ar Ben Llŷn, gyda'r llwybrau cerdded a'r traethau yn denu llawer i archwilio harddwch natur ac etifeddiaeth y fro, gan agor y drws ar y gorffennol ac ar haenau o hanes Cymru.

£5.95 -

Code(s)Rhifnod: 9781845242435

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