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The CD also features guest appearances from the best of contemporary Welsh talent - Bryn Terfel, Michael Ball, celebrated harpist Catrin Finch and the winners of the BBC TV series Last Choir Standing, Only Men Aloud.
After performing all over the world, John comes to Cardiff for the start of the 25th Anniversary tour of Boublil and Schönberg’s, Les Misérables. The show, hailed as the “World’s Most Popular Musical”, is based on Victor Hugo’s epic French novel and begins performances in Cardiff on December 12th. John returns to the challenging role of Jean Valjean after performing to literally millions of fans during his time in the show both in the UK and on Broadway.
Born and bred in Burry Port, South Wales, John Owen-Jones said when releasing this CD, “I’m thrilled to be able to launch my new CD personally in Cardiff. Having spent so much of my career away from Wales on the stages of Broadway and the West End, it’s wonderful to be back home once again. My first full length CD, released on the Sain record label, is a collection of my favourite songs from the world of musical theatre. Whilst it contains popular musical theatre tracks such as the brilliant Bring Him Home from ‘Les Misérables and Music of the Night from ‘The Phantom of the Opera’, it also contains some equally brilliant but less well known musical theatre songs. It also has my own version of the classic Myfanwy by Joseph Parry - my Mam’s favourite! I’m probably most excited by the guests I have appearing on it though. To have Catrin Finch playing harp on a new arrangement of Bring Him Home and Only Men Aloud backing me on Anthem from ‘Chess’ is a delight and to say I’m pleased to have Bryn and Michael sing with me on the beautiful and rarely performed Sondheim classic Pretty Lady is an understatement. I can’t wait for people to hear it!’
Tracks -
01. Kiss of the Spiderwoman
02. Music of the Night
03. Pretty Lady
04. I'd Rather be Sailing
05. Proud Lady
06. Someone to Fall Back On
07. New Words
08. Tell My Father
09. Bring Him Home
10. Anthem
Bonus. Myfanwy
Mae’r CD hefyd yn cynnwys ymddangosiadau gan rai o oreuon Cymru - Bryn Terfel, Michael Ball, y delynores Catrin Finch ac enillwyr y gyfres deledu BBC Last Choir Standing, Only Men Aloud. Ar ôl perfformio led led y byd, daw John i Gaerdydd gogyfer a cychwyn taith benblwydd sioe Boublil and Schönberg, Les Misérables, yn 25 oed. Mae’r sioe, sy’n cael ei adnabod fel “Sioe Gerdd Mwyaf Poblogaidd y Byd”, wedi ei seilio ar nofel epig Ffraneg Victor Hugo ac mae’r perfformiadau yn dechrau yng Nghaerdydd ar 11eg o Ragfyr. Dychwel John i ran heriol Jean Valjean ar ôl perfformio i filiynau o ffans yn ystod ei amser yn y sioe yn y DU ac ar Broadway.
Wedi ei eni a’i fagu ym Mhorth Tywyn (Burry Port), de Cymru, dywedodd John Owen-Jones “Rwy’n falch iawn i lansio fy CD newydd yng Nghaerdydd. Ar ôl treulio llawer o amser bant o Gymru ar lwyfannau Broadway a’r West End, mae’n hyfryd dod nol adref eto. Mae fy CD cyfan cyntaf, sydd wedi ei ryddhau ar label recordio Sain, yn gasgliad o fy hoff ganeuon o fyd y theatr cerdd. Tra bod y CD yn cynnwys traciau poblogaidd theatr cerdd megis Bring Him Home o ‘Les Misérables’ a Music of the Night o ‘The Phantom of the Opera’, mae hefyd yn cynnwys caneuon theatr cerdd llai adnabyddus ond yr un mor wych. Rwyf hefyd wedi cynnwys fy fersiwn i o’r clasur Myfanwy gan Joseph Parry - ffefryn fy mam! Beth sy’n fwyaf cyffrous yw’r gwesteion sydd yn ymddangos ar y CD. Mae cael Catrin Finch yn chwarae’r delyn ar drefniant newydd Bring Him Home a Only Men Aloud yn fy nghefnogi ar Anthem o ‘Chess’ yn bleser pur ac rwy’n falch iawn o gael gwmni Bryn a Michael yn canu gyda fi ar glasur prydferth Sondheim Pretty Lady. Alla i ddim aros i bobl ei chlywed!”
Traciau -
01. Kiss of the Spiderwoman
02. Music of the Night
03. Pretty Lady
04. I'd Rather be Sailing
05. Proud Lady
06. Someone to Fall Back On
07. New Words
08. Tell My Father
09. Bring Him Home
10. Anthem
Bonus. Myfanwy