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TotalCyfanswm: GBP
Author: Mike Phillips.
Mike Phillips is one of Welsh rugby's most decorated players. With multiple Grand Slams and Lions tours under his belt, he was revered all over the world for his aggressive, in-your-face style of play. Off the field, his early years were littered with scandal and controversy as he wrestled with the new-found fame that success brought. A brutally honest, tell-all autobiography.
Awdur: Mike Phillips.
Mike Phillips yw un o chwaraewyr rygbi mwyaf llwyddiannus Cymru, mewn sawl Camp Lawn ac ar deithiau gyda'r Llewod. Cafodd ei glodfori ar draws y byd am ei arddull chwarae ymosodol, digyfaddawd, ond oddi ar y cae, dygodd sawl stori a digwyddiad dadleugar anfri arno wrth iddo ymgodymu ag enwogrwydd yn sgil ei lwyddiant. Dyma ei hunangofiant gonest.