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TotalCyfanswm: GBP
Author: Marian Broderick; Welsh Adaptation: Eleri Huws.
Series: Cyfres Anni'r Wrach.
Anni Gwyn doesn't like the science teacher at Ysgol Pant-y-pwca, but is that a good enough reason to turn her into a giant rat? Another exciting adventure in the life of Anni the witch! A Welsh translation of Witch in a Fix by Eleri Huws.
Awdur: Marian Broderick; Addasiad Cymraeg: Eleri Huws.
Cyfres: Cyfres Anni'r Wrach.
Dyw Anni Gwyn ddim yn hoffi'r athrawes wyddoniaeth yn Ysgol Pant-y-pwca, ond ydy hynny'n rheswm digon da i'w throi yn llygoden fawr? Antur gyffrous arall i Anni'r Wrach! Cyfieithiad Cymraeg o Witch in a Fix gan Eleri Huws.