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TotalCyfanswm: GBP
Author: Brendan Kearney; Welsh Adaptation: Awen Schiavone.
Series: Cyfres Anturiaeth Eifion a Sboncyn.
An exciting tale about tackling climate change to help protect animals. Grown-ups and children can enjoy this gentle, imaginative story together, all about the environmental concerns facing our wildlife. Follow the tale of Finn and Skip as they head out for a peaceful picnic - when all of a sudden they hear the sound of buzzing bees, fear sets in and chaos ensues!
Awdur: Brendan Kearney; Addasiad Cymraeg: Awen Schiavone.
Cyfres: Cyfres Anturiaeth Eifion a Sboncyn.
Mae Eifion a’i gi, Sboncyn, yn mwynhau picnic tawel yn y parc gydag wyrion Eifion. Ond yna, maen nhw’n clywed sŵn suo. GWENYN! Wrth i chwilfrydedd droi’n syndod, maen nhw’n darganfod y rheswm dros yr haid o bryfed ... Ymuna ag Eifion a Sboncyn wrth iddyn nhw ddysgu beth allan nhw ei wneud i ddiogelu'r gwenyn. Maen nhw’n awyddus i helpu mewn unrhyw ffordd. Beth wnei di?