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Author: Siân Melangell Dafydd.
In Filò, we meet Italian prisoners who want to tell their stories. Guido Fontana and his peers find a new home in Wales. But they have no rights, no money, nothing, apart from their various dialects and their stories. That's what Filò is: an action that goes against the norm, coming together and telling stories.
Awdur: Siân Melangell Dafydd.
Carcharorion o'r Eidal sy'n meiddio dweud eu straeon eu hunain sydd yn Filò. Mae Guido Fontana a'i gyfoedion yn darganfod cartref yng Nghymru. Ond does ganddyn nhw ddim hawliau, dim arian, dim byd, heblaw eu tafodieithoedd amrywiol, a'u straeon. Dyna yw Filò: gweithred yn erbyn y drefn, dod ynghyd ac adrodd stori.