
Welsh Adaptation: Llinos Dafydd.

Series: Storiau Cyntaf.

A Welsh translation by Llinos Dafydd of My Magical Rainbow which introduces readers to a friendly Rainbow character who brings all her magical friends together, including the popular unicorn, dragon and mermaid. With push, pull and turn mechanisms and a sparkly foil cover wheel, little ones will have lots of fun joining the magical creatures' colourful day.


Addasiad Cymraeg: Llinos Dafydd.

Cyfres: Storiau Cyntaf.

Ewch ar antur liwgar gyda’r Enfys Hud a’i ffrindiau. Trwy wthio, tynnu a llithro’r tabiau, daw eu byd disglair yn fyw. Addasiad Cymraeg gan Llinos Dafydd o My Magical Rainbow.

£5.99 -

Code(s)Rhifnod: 9781849675345

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