Dwdl-Ann ar Wibdaith Drofannol

Author: Suzanne Smith; Welsh Adaptation: Mared Furnham.

Doodle girl lives inside a sketchbook with a group of friends and a magic pencil. She uses this to create adventures by transforming doodles into fantastical lands, full of amazing animals! In this story help her and her friends solve the monkey mystery on a tropical island. With a giant, free doodling poster and sticker, this book is full of creativity and fun.


Awdur: Suzanne Smith; Addasiad Cymraeg: Mared Furnham.

Dewch i gwrdd â Dwdl-Ann a'i phensil hudol. Bob tro mae hi'n sisial y geiriau 'Dwdl, dwdl, Dwdl-Ann,' mae anturiaethau arbennig yn digwydd. Defnyddiwch eich dychymyg a hedfan gyda Dwdl-Ann a'i ffrindiau ar antur ardderchog, draw dros y tonnau glas i ynys bell, bell. Yn cynnwys poster dwdlo anferth a sticeri lliwgar i annog creadigrwydd plentyn.

£5.99 -

Code(s)Rhifnod: 9781849672955

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