DIY Welsh (With Answers)

Author: D. Geraint Lewis.

A step-by-step guide to familiarise beginners with the structures and spelling of written Welsh, making grammar practical and fun with a system of colour-coded building blocks. Easy-to-follow exercises to create your own simple Welsh sentences, with answers and Welsh-English/English-Welsh glossary.


Awdur: D. Geraint Lewis.

Canllaw cam-wrth-gam i helpu dysgwyr i ymgyfarwyddo â strwythurau a sillafu Cymraeg ysgrifenedig, gan wneud dysgu gramadeg yn ymarferol ac yn hwyl trwy system o flociau adeiladu mewn cod lliw. Ceir ymarferion hawdd eu dilyn er mwyn creu eich brawddegau syml Cymraeg eich hun, gydag atebion a geirfa Cymraeg-Saesneg a Saesneg-Cymraeg.

£9.99 -

Code(s)Rhifnod: 9781800994034

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