Disgleiria, Seren, Disgleiria!

Author: Dom Conlon; Welsh Adaptation: Anwen Pierce.

Travel with Light as she zips between the many types of stars a trillion miles and more apart, from the gust of a solar wind through the unblinking emptiness of space to see planets rise and fall.



Awdur: Dom Conlon; Addasiad Cymraeg: Anwen Pierce.

Teithiwch gyda Goleuni wrth iddi wibio rhwng y gwahanol sêr sydd driliynau o filltiroedd oddi wrth ei gilydd, o gawod o wynt solar, drwy wagle'r gofod i weld y planedau'n arnofio i fyny ac i lawr.

£7.99 -

Code(s)Rhifnod: 9781802581973

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