Dim ond un

Author: Meleri Wyn James.

When a family meets for a celebration in a cottage on Bardsey Island, for some it is a rare opportunity to see relatives, while it is a task to be unwillingly suffered for others. A stranger arrives at the cottage, and many secrets are revealed. A mystery about a family in isolation on an island with a murderer amongst them.


Awdur: Meleri Wyn James.

Pan fo teulu yn cwrdd am ddathliad arbennig mewn bwthyn ar ynys hudolus Enlli, mae'n gyfle prin i ddod ynghyd fel teulu i rai, ond i eraill mae'n orchwyl y mae'n rhaid ei diodde'n anfoddog. Yng nghanol y storm daw dieithryn i'r drws, a daw sawl cyfrinach i'r wyneb yn ystod eu cyfnod clawstroffobig ar yr ynys.

£9.99 -

Code(s)Rhifnod: 9781800992214

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