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TotalCyfanswm: GBP
Author: Katie Davies; Welsh Adaptation: Gareth F. Williams.
A very natural and honest version of life's events from the perspective of a young girl - from her suspicions about her neighbours, to her rocky friendship with the girl next door; from the sudden death of her beloved granny to her relentless quest for a pet hamster, only to then find it mysteriously slaughtered. A Welsh adaptation of The Great Hamster Massacre.
Awdur: Katie Davies; Addasiad Cymraeg: Gareth F. Williams.
Mae Anna a'i brawd, Tom, bron â marw eisiau cael anifail anwes. Ar ôl poeni Mam yn ddiddiwedd, mae hi'n gadael iddyn nhw ddewis dau fochdew mewn siop anifeiliaid anwes. Ond buan iawn y mae pethau'n troi'n hunllefus wrth i Anna a Twm ddarganfod y bochdewion wedi'u lladd un bore. Mae'r plant yn dechrau ymchwiliad i'r dirgelwch ar unwaith. Addasiad o The Great Hamster Massacre.