Bro Goronwy - Hanes Plwyf Llanfairmathafarneithaf 1870-1914

Author: Emyr Roberts.

The history of the parish of Llanfairmathafarneithaf during the period 1870-1914. In the 19th century, this remote parish on the eastern side of Anglesey was poor and desolate, dependent on agriculture. Yet this was a hard-working, industrious and cultural Welsh community, with chapels in their prime.


Awdur: Emyr Roberts.

Hanes Plwyf Llanfairmathafarneithaf 1870-1914. Yn ystod y bedwaredd ganrif ar bymtheg plwyf anial a thlawd oedd Llanfairmathafarneithaf, ar ochr ddwyreiniol Sir Fôn - yn ddibynnol ar amaethyddiaeth ac 'yn bell o bobman o bwys'. Ac eto, roedd yma gymuned Gymraeg werinol, ddiwyd a diwylliedig, ac roedd y capeli ar eu hanterth.

£9.50 -

Code(s)Rhifnod: 9781845243050

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