
Author: Susan Meredith; Welsh Adaptation: Elin Meek.

Series: Cyfres Dechrau Da.

This series introduces young children to a whole range of core subjects, from life in the natural world to the working of a truck. On each page a line for beginner readers is accompanied by a more complex one, which can be read aloud by an adult or by the child as s/he grows in confidence. A Welsh adaptation of Ballet (Usborne Beginners).


Awdur: Susan Meredith; Addasiad Cymraeg: Elin Meek.

Cyfres: Cyfres Dechrau Da.

Pam mae dawnswyr bale'n cydbwyso ar flaenau eu traed? Pam maen nhw'n gwisgo twtw? Beth sy'n digwydd mewn dosbarth bale? Mae'r atebion a llawer mwy o wybodaeth yn y llyfr hwn sy'n rhan o gyfres gyffrous i blant sy'n dechrau darllen ar eu pennau eu hunain. Addasiad o Ballet (Usborne Beginners).

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Code(s)Rhifnod: 9781848512726

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