Athena, Encore

One late summer's evening, and as serendipity would have it, three popular Welsh soloists, Ellen Williams, Gwawr Edwards and Sioned Terry, united in song in front of  warm and receptive audience.  The crowd's enthusiastic response along with one or two encouraging individuals prompted the advent of the classical trio now known as Athena.

Athena's first album features few traditional Welsh favourites, the CD comprises a mixture of classical and popular songs, which showcase Athena's voices, with new and original arrangements; some of which are from the hands of the girls themselves.

Tracks -

01. Nella Fantasia

02. Bassey Medley

03. Calon Lân

04. O Mio Babbino Caro

05. Mil Harddach Wyt

06. Somewhere only we know

07. Ave Maria

08. Wrth i'r Afon Gwrdd â'r lli

09. Bridge over Troubled Water

10. Moon River

11. Carol y Gannwyll / Candlelight Carol

12. O Holy Night.



Ar un nos o haf digwyddodd i'r tair cantores boblogaidd, Ellen Williams, Gwawr Edwards a Sioned Terry, gyd ganu o flaen cynulleidfa wresog ac o ganlyniad i anogaeth frwdfrydig sawl aelod o'r cyhoedd y noson honno, fe annwyd y triawd clasurol Athena.

Dyma CD cyntaf Athena sydd yn cynnwys ambell i ffefryn Cymreig ac amrywiaeth o ganeuon clasurol a phoblogaidd sy'n arddangos dylanwad a sain neilltuol Athena, gyda threfniannau newydd a gwreiddiol; ambell I un o ddwylo'r merched eu hunain.


Traciau -

01. Nella Fantasia

02. Bassey Medley

03. Calon Lân

04. O Mio Babbino Caro

05. Mil Harddach Wyt

06. Somewhere only we know

07. Ave Maria

08. Wrth i'r Afon Gwrdd â'r lli

09. Bridge over Troubled Water

10. Moon River

11. Carol y Gannwyll / Candlelight Carol

12. O Holy Night.

£12.98 -

Code(s)Rhifnod: 5016886280028

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