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TotalCyfanswm: GBP
Author: Geraint Jones.
The First and Second World Wars had a profound effect on all parts of Britain, and the comparatively isolated and rural island of Anglesey was no exception. Soldiers were recruited and conscripted into the armed forces in large numbers and some parts of Anglesey, such as Holyhead, sprang to life. Many found themselves in exotic locations all across the world, while others lost their lives.
Awdur: Geraint Jones.
Cafodd y ddau Ryfel Byd effaith andwyol ar bob rhan o wledydd Prydain, ac er bod Ynys M»n yn ynys ymhell o faes y gad, chafodd hithau mo'i hamddifadu rhag teimlo effaith y rhyfela. Ymunodd nifer o Fonwysion Š'r fyddin. Cafodd rhai eu tywys i leoliadau egsotig ar draws y byd, ond colli'u bywydau a wnaeth llawer.