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TotalCyfanswm: GBP
Author: Ian Brown; Welsh Adaptation: Anwen Pierce.
Pet tortoise Albert often wonders about life outside his garden home. Where do his flying friends go when they disappear beyond the fences, gates and walls that keep Albert safe? A chance to explore takes Albert on an adventure he'll never forget, encountering first-hand the highs and lows of the world beyond. A Welsh adaptation by Anwen Pierce of Albert in the Air.
Awdur: Ian Brown; Addasiad Cymraeg: Anwen Pierce.
Mae Albert y crwban anwes yn aml yn meddwl am y bywyd sydd y tu hwnt i'w ardd. I ble mae ei ffrindiau'n diflannu heibio i'r ffensys, y gatiau a'r waliau? Daw cyfle i Albert fynd ar antur go iawn ac i weld ei fyd o'r newydd. Ar ei daith, mae'n dod i sylweddoli nad oes man gwyn man draw bob un tro ... a bod cael ffrindiau da a chartref yn bethau i'w trysori. Addasiad Cymraeg.