Al Lewis, Fifteen Years

It was the death of his father that set a 21-year-old Al Lewis on the path to becoming a singer-songwriter. "It was a pivotal moment," Lewis remembers. Yet it would be years before he could bring himself to put the great loss of his life into song. Indeed, it took Lewis a decade-and-a-half to even begin processing it.

Across these songs, Lewis initiates conversations with the father he lost too young, searching for the answers that elude him, and "seeking advice from the ghost of you", as he sings in 'Where Do I Go From Here'. He imagines the mindset of his newly divorced Dad as he started his life over again; he recognises the elements of his father he sees in himself, and in the children who never got to meet their grandfather. Singing with a voice rich and emotive, composed of chord changes and melodies that are resonant, aching but always climbing towards resolution and uplift, the result is Lewis's most personal, most powerful album yet. 

Tracks -

01. Sunshine in Sorrow
02. Never Be Forgotten
03. In My Daughters Eyes
04. Where Do I Go From Here - Al Lewis (feat. Kizzy Crawford)
05. Fatherly Guidance
06. Thirty Five - Al Lewis (feat. Darling West)
07. Fifteen Years
08. The Farmhouse
09. Feels like Healing
10 Beginning to Find You

Marwolaeth tad Al Lewis yn 21oed rhoddodd ef ar y llwybr i fod yn ganwr-gyfansoddwr.  "Roedd hi'n gyfnod tyngedfennol," medde Lewis,  er y byddai'n flynyddoedd cyn y gallai ddod â'i hun i roi y golled enfawr yma yn ei fywyd mewn cân. Yn wir, cymerodd ddegawd-a-hanner i Lewis hyd yn oed ddechrau ei brosesu. 
Ar draws y caneuon hyn, mae Lewis yn cychwyn sgyrsiau gyda'i dad a golloll yn rhy ifanc, gan chwilio am yr atebion sy'n ei hudo, a cheisio cyngor gan ysbryd ei dad, wrth iddo ganu yn "Where Do I Go From Here'.  Mae'n dychmygu meddylfryd ei Dad sydd newydd ysgaru wrth iddo ddechrau ei fywyd drosodd eto; mae'n cydnabod elfennau o'i dad y mae'n eu gweld ynddo'i hun ac yn ei blant na chafodd erioed gyfarfod gyda'r taid.   Mae'n canu gyda llais cyfoethog ac emosiynol, yn cynnwys newidiadau cordiau a dyma'r canlyniad - yr albwm mwyaf personol a phwerus. 
Traciau -

01. Sunshine in Sorrow
02. Never Be Forgotten
03. In My Daughters Eyes
04. Where Do I Go From Here - Al Lewis (feat. Kizzy Crawford)
05. Fatherly Guidance
06. Thirty Five - Al Lewis (feat. Darling West)
07. Fifteen Years
08. The Farmhouse
09. Feels like Healing
10 Beginning to Find You

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