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TotalCyfanswm: GBP
Express your support with this elegant Welsh card featuring a delicate gold crying face which conveys empathy and compassion, serving as a comforting symbol of solidarity during difficult times.
The minimalist design allows the gold crying face to stand out, symbolizing understanding, support, and a shoulder to lean on. Whether it's for a friend, family member, or loved one in need of comfort, this card conveys a message of empathy and reassurance in a simple yet meaningful manner. In graceful lettering, the words "Yma i Ti" are elegantly displayed beneath the gold crying face, translating to "Here for You" in Welsh. Let someone know you're there for them and that you're sorry.
No message inside card.
Measures: approx. 88x118mm.
Mynegwch eich cefnogaeth gyda'r cerdyn yma sy'n cynnwys wyneb crio aur sy'n cyfleu empathi a thosturi, gan wasanaethu fel symbol cysurus o undod yn ystod adegau anodd.
Mae'r dyluniad syml yn caniatáu i'r wyneb crio aur sefyll allan, gan symboleiddio dealltwriaeth, cefnogaeth, ac ysgwydd i bwyso arno. Gallai fod yn gerdyn ar gyfer ffrind, aelod o'r teulu, neu rywun annwyl sydd angen cysur, mae'r cerdyn yn cyfleu neges o empathi a sicrwydd mewn modd syml ond ystyrlon.
Dim neges tu mewn i'r cerdyn.
Mesuriadau: oddeutu 88x118mm.