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TotalCyfanswm: GBP
Celebrate your Grandfather's special day with this heartfelt Welsh language birthday card, featuring a crisp white design adorned with a touching message. This elegant card expresses your deep love and gratitude for your Tadcu on his birthday.
Emblazoned with the endearing phrase "Tadcu Allai Ddim Dychmygu Bywyd Hebddat Ti Penblwydd Hapus," translating to "Grandad, I couldn't imagine life without you, Happy Birthday," this card captures the essence of your bond with your Grandad.
No message inside card.
Measurements: approx. 137 x 137mm.
Dathlwch ddiwrnod arbennig eich Tadcu gyda'r cerdyn yma, sydd gyda dyluniad a neges deimladwy. Mae'r cerdyn yn mynegi eich cariad dwfn a'ch diolchgarwch am eich Taid ar ei benblwydd.
Dim neges tu mewn i'r cerdyn.
Mesuriadau: oddeutu 137 x 137mm.