Syniadau Mawr NotebookLlyfr Nodiadau Syniadau Mawr


A5 modern design notebook - ideal for the one who's full of ideas and who is always writing to do or shopping lists while wanting a stylish pad!

'Syniadau Mawr' translates as 'Big Ideas'.

The size of the notebook is perfect for any desk, 32 lined pages.

  • Size: approx. 148mm x 210mm
  • 32 pages
  • Made in the UK

Llyfr nodiadau modern maint A5 perffaith ar gyfer yr un sydd yn caru 'sgwennu!

Maint perffaith ar gyfer eich desg, 32 tudalen gyda llinellau.

  • Maint: oddeutu 148mm x 210mm
  • 32 tudalen.

£6.50 -

Code(s)Rhifnod: 5060532126901

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