Fy Bindi

Author: Gita Varadarajan; Welsh Adaptation: Anwen Pierce.It's the day for Divya to choose her bindi. But as she prepares for school, she has doubts. Will she be brave enough to face the other pupils and their questions? How will her bindi feel? In this powerful story of self-discovery, a young girl finds bravery within herself, and learns how to celebrate her background and who she really is.



Awdur: Gita Varadarajan; Addasiad Cymraeg: Anwen Pierce.

Daeth y diwrnod i Divya ddewis ei bindi. Ond wrth iddi baratoi i fynd i'r ysgol, mae'r amheuon yn dechrau dod. A fydd hi'n ddigon dewr i wynebu'r disgyblion eraill a'u cwestiynau? Sut fydd ei bindi'n teimlo? Yn y stori rymus hon am hunanddarganfod, mae merch ifanc yn dod o hyd i ddewrder y tu mewn iddi hi ei hun, ac mae'n dysgu sut i ddathlu ei chefndir a phwy yw hi go iawn.

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Code(s)Rhifnod: 9781802587104

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