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TotalCyfanswm: GBP
Author: Cymdeithas Affrica Gogledd Cymru a Casia Wiliam.
A story that intertwines Wales and Ghana, to create a brand new legend by Casia Wiliam and Jac Jones following a workshop with children from the North Wales African Society. The princess is turned into a fish, but can she be turned back into a princess? A legend brimming with animals and other colourful characters.
Awdur: Cymdeithas Affrica Gogledd Cymru a Casia Wiliam.
Stori sy'n plethu Cymru a Ghana, i greu chwedl newydd sbon gan Casia Wiliam a Jac Jones ar ôl bod yn cydweithio â phlant Cymdeithas Affrica Gogledd Cymru. Mae'r dywysoges wedi cael ei throi'n bysgodyn, ond all hi gael ei throi'n ôl yn dywysoges? Chwedl sy'n llawn anifeiliaid a chymeriadau lliwgar.