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TotalCyfanswm: GBP
Author: Liz Pichon; Welsh Adaptation: Gwenno Hughes.
Series: Cyfres Twm Clwyd: 5
It's really cold outside and we're all hoping it's going to snow. Yeah! Derek and I could make a snow Rooster and have a snowball fight (look out, Delia!). Granny Mavis has started to knit me a new winter jumper, but by the looks of things I'm not sure it's going to fit...
Awdur: Liz Pichon; Addasiad Cymraeg: Gwenno Hughes.
Cyfres: Cyfres Twm Clwyd: 5.
Mae'n oer iawn tu allan ac mae Twm Clwyd yn gobeithio y daw hi'n eira er mwyn iddo gael brwydr beli eira gyda'i ffrind Derek. Mae ei nain wedi dechrau gwau siwmper aeaf iddo, ond mae'n ofni na fydd yn ei ffitio... Teitl arall yng nghyfres boblogaidd Twm Clwyd.