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Author: D. Ben Rees.
A Remarkable History
This volume is the fruit of decades of research by the Revd D Ben Rees into the unique story of the Welsh people living in Liverpool and on the banks of the Mersey. It is a treasury of information about people and events in one of the most interesting cities in relation to Welsh history, its people and language. Over 100 photographs.
Awdur: D. Ben Rees.
A Remarkable History
Y mae'r gyfrol hon yn benllanw degawdau o waith ymchwil gan y Parch. D Ben Rees i hanes unigryw Cymry Lerpwl a glannau Merswy. Mae'n drysorfa o wybodaeth am bobl a digwyddiadau yn un o'r dinasoedd mwyaf diddorol yn hanes Cymru a'r Gymraeg. Dros 100 o luniau.