The Cambrian Coast 2

Author: Des Marshall.

Harlech to Aberystwyth Explored

Series: Compact Wales.

Traditionally, the communities along the western coast of Wales thrived on maritime trade and fishing. The produce of the farmland and minerals, rocks and slate of the uplands were exported through ports such as Pwllheli and Porthmadog while coal, lime, timber and other goods were imported. This book looks at the Harlech to Aberystwyth section of the line to this trade.


Awdur: Des Marshall.

Harlech to Aberystwyth Explored

Cyfres: Compact Wales. 

Yn draddodiadol, ffynnodd cymunedau arfordir gorllewinol Cymru ar fasnach morwrol a physgota. Câi cynnyrch tir amaeth ynghyd â mwynau, cerrig a llechi'r ucheldir eu hallforio drwy borthladdoedd megis Pwllheli a Phorthmadog tra câi glo, calch a choed eu mewnforio. Mae'r gyfrol hon yn archwilio cyfraniad y rheilffordd o Harlech i Aberystwyth i'r fasnach hon.

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Code(s)Rhifnod: 9781845242459

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