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Author: Molly Potter; Welsh Adaptation: Testun.
Series: Darllen yn Well.
Children have strong feelings and can't always handle them well. A Welsh adaptation of How Are You Feeling Today, perfect for sharing and packed with fun, imaginative ways to help children understand and cope with a range of different emotions, this delightful book gives parents the tools they need to help their child deal with those feelings - without it all ending in tears.
Awdur: Molly Potter; Addasiad Cymraeg: Testun
Cyfres: Darllen yn Well.
Mae gan blant deimladau cryfion, ond fedran nhw ddim delio'n dda gyda nhw bob amser. Mae'r addasiad Cymraeg hwn o How Are You Feeling Today yn berffaith i'w rannu, yn llawn awgrymiadau hwyliog a dychmygus i geisio helpu plant i ddeall ystod eang o emosiynau. Cyfrol berffaith i rieni ei defnyddio i helpu plant i ddelio gyda'u teimladau - heb i'r cyfan orffen mewn dagrau.