
Author: Rhian Staples.

Original play for young people aged 16+, about a period in the lives of five young people from south Wales. It explores the way society can sit by and watch terrible things happening to others without intervening, and discusses contemporary themes: identity; belonging; the pressures on young people to succeed; helplessness in contemporary society.


Awdur: Rhian Staples.

Drama wreiddiol i bobol ifanc. Mae'n archwilio cyfnod ym mywyd pump person ifanc o Dde Cymru tra'n herio'r gynulleidfa i ymateb. Mae'n archwilio sut y gall cynulleidfa (cymdeithas) eistedd a gwylio pethau erchyll yn digwydd i eraill a hynny heb ymyrryd. Mae'n trafod y pwysau ar bobol ifanc i lwyddo a phroblemau e.e. hunan-niweidio, alcoholiaeth, cam-drin corfforol.

£4.99 - £5.99

Code(s)Rhifnod: 9781784617295

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