Neges Mewn Potel

Author: E Blyton, Sufiya Ahmed; Welsh Adaptation: Manon Steffan Ros.

Series: Pump Prysur.

A Welsh adaptation by Manon Steffan Ros of The Famus Five: Message in a Bottle. After seeing a message in a bottle, the five friends go on a treasure hunt. Shortly, they find themselves lost in the depths of a dark cave! Who will look for Twm and his friends?


Awdur: E Blyton, Sufiya Ahmed; Addasiad Cymraeg: Manon Steffan Ros.

Cyfres: Pump Prysur.

Addasiad Cymraeg Manon Steffan Ros o The Famous Five: Message in a Bottle. Ar ôl gweld neges mewn potel, mae'r Pump Prysur yn mynd ar helfa drysor. Yn fuan iawn maen nhw yng nghrombil ogof dywyll nes bod mwy na hen degan ar goll! Pwy fydd yn chwilio am Twm a'i ffrindiau?

£7.99 -

Code(s)Rhifnod: 9781801064439

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