Henry Morton Stanley

Author: Howard Huws.

Y Cyfandir Tywyll - Y Cymro a Ddarganfu Livingstone

One of the most lauded heroes of the British Empire, H. M. Stanley's life was a constant battle to escape the ghosts of his past: poverty, shame, and his Welsh roots. This is a detailed look at his career from a Welsh perspective, analysing his motives and explaining the significance of his unexpected fame. 68 images and 5 maps.


Author: Howard Huws.

Y Cyfandir Tywyll - Y Cymro a Ddarganfu Livingstone

Yn un o arwyr pennaf yr Ymerodraeth Brydeinig, roedd bywyd H. M. Stanley yn ymdrech barhaus i ddianc rhag bwganod ei orffennol: tlodi, gwarth, a Chymreictod. Dyma olwg manwl ar hanes ei yrfa o safbwynt Cymreig, gan geisio dadansoddi ei gymhellion ac esbonio arwyddocâd ei fri newydd annisgwyl. 68 o luniau a 5 map.

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Code(s)Rhifnod: 9781785623264

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