Hen Ieithoedd Diflanedig

Author: Mihangel Morgan.

A volume of poetry by Mihangel Morgan comprising a series of twenty poems which look at various languages that face extinction. The subject of each poem is the alleged last speaker of each minority language. Through the poet's imagination, we hear the voice of the peoples facing losing their indigenous languages and their standpoint towards each disappearing language.

Awdur: Mihangel Morgan.

Cyfres o ugain cerdd wedi eu cyflwyno i siaradwyr olaf gwahanol ieithoedd ar draws y byd. Trwy gyfrwng dychymyg y bardd clywir lleisiau'r siaradwyr hyn unwaith eto ac, yn ddyfeisgar, eu safbwyntiau dychmygol tuag at eu hieithoedd diflanedig.

£7.95 -

Code(s)Rhifnod: 9781911584209

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