Gwallt Gwyllt - Cysgod y Cadno

Author: Paul Wines.

A Welsh adaptation of the graphic novel Wild Hair – The Shadow of the Fox. Meet Gwallt Gwyllt (Wild Hair) and his friendly tribe of warriors. Follow their adventures as they travel the countryside, warning friends and neighbours of impending doom. Gwallt Gwyllt decides to take matters into his own hands, but who can he trust on this important mission?


Awdur: Paul Wines.

Dewch i gwrdd â Gwallt Gwyllt a'i lwyth cyfeillgar o ryfelwyr. Dilynwch eu hanturiaethau wrth iddynt deithio trwy gefn gwlad, gan rybuddio ffrindiau a chymdogion o'r dynged sydd ar ddod! Mae 'na gadno enfawr yn rhydd! Ac mae'n bwyta bron unrhyw beth! Penderfynodd Gwallt Gwyllt fynd â materion i'w ddwylo ei hun. Ond pwy arall all e ymddiried ynddo ar y genhadaeth bwysig hon. Addasiad Cymraeg o nofel graffig Wild Hair – The Shadow of the Fox.

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Code(s)Rhifnod: 9781917022477

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