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Author: Emily Gravett;
As we return to the forest to meet the popular characters from the story Taclus/Tidy, the magpies take centre stage this time. The story shows us how easy it is to be charmed by possessions, how few things we really need and how to recycle the things we can live without. A Welsh translation of a timely tale with lavish illustrations by a twice winner of the Kate Greenawy CILIP Medal.
Awdur: Emily Gravett; Addasiad Cymraeg: Mari George.
Awn yn ôl i’r goedwig i gwrdd â chymeriadau adnabyddus stori Taclus/Tidy, ond y tro hwn, y piod yw’r prif gymeriadau. Mae’r llyfr yn dangos pa mor hawdd y cawn ein hudo gan eiddo, cyn lleied o bethau sydd angen arnom go iawn, a sut mae ailgylchu yr hyn y gallwn fyw hebddo. Addasiad Cymraeg o stori amserol, gyda darluniau moethus, gan enillydd dwy Fedal CILIP Kate Greenaway.