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TotalCyfanswm: GBP
Welsh Adaptation: Delyth Wyn Davies.
A wipe clean drawing activity book for the youngest children, presenting familiar Biblical stories in simple style such as: Noah's Ark, Josph, Daniel, the Birth of Jesus and the First Christmas. Suitable for children aged 3 and over.
Addasiad Cymraeg: Delyth Wyn Davies.
Dyma lyfr gweithgaredd tynnu llun (sychu'n lân a phin) i'r plant lleiaf, yn cyflwyno straeon cyfarwydd o'r Beibl mewn ffurf syml megis: Arch Noa, Joseff, Daniel, hanes Geni Iesu a'r Nadolig Cyntaf. Addas i blant 3 oed a throsodd.